Bob Miller has announced the 2010 summer schedule of open-water swims for his Tri-Masters Swimmers group, which features planned Saturday swims at a variety of North Shore and Ocean beaches. The West Neck Pod has traditionally joined up with the Tri-Masters Swimmers for these multi-venue swims, which give us a chance to experience a variety of water/wave/current conditions in different bodies of water (here are pictures of one of our past swims at Robert Moses Field #5 on Fire Island). It's also a lot of fun to swim with a HUGE group of what could be 30 or more swimmers!! For those who are swimming in the 2010 Fran Schnarr Memorial 5K/10K Swim in Huntington Bay on July 11th (check out the website at, the July 3rd swim at Crescent Beach is a perfect opportunity to "test the waters" -- and the notoriously strong currents -- in Huntington Bay ahead of time. This season's schedule is as follows:
June 26 - West Neck Beach, West Neck Road, Lloyd Harbor
July 3 - Crescent Beach, Crescent Beach Drive, Huntington Bay
July 10 - OWS clinic with Shelley Taylor Smith at Nathan Hale Beach, Huntington Bay
July 11 - Huntington Bay, Fran Schnarr 5K/10K in the Bay - The Bay Club, Bay Road, Huntington
July 17 - West Neck Beach
July 24 - Makamah Beach, Makamah Beach Road, Northport
July 31 - Crescent Beach
August 7 - Robert Moses State Park, Field #5, Fire Island
August 14 - Robert Moses Field #5
August 21 - Oyster Bay (Tobay course), Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay
August 29 - Tobay race
September 5 - Long Beach, John Daly Ocean 1 mile race - Long Beach
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